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} else { // browser globals factory( jquery ); } } )( function( $ ) { var datapropertyname = "virtualmousebindings", touchtargetpropertyname = "virtualtouchid", toucheventprops = "clientx clienty pagex pagey screenx screeny".split( " " ), virtualeventnames = "vmouseover vmousedown vmousemove vmouseup vclick vmouseout vmousecancel".split( " " ), generalprops = ( "altkey bubbles cancelable ctrlkey currenttarget detail eventphase " + "metakey relatedtarget shiftkey target timestamp view which" ).split( " " ), mousehookprops = $.event.mousehooks ? $.event.mousehooks.props : [], mouseeventprops = generalprops.concat( mousehookprops ), activedochandlers = {}, resettimerid = 0, startx = 0, starty = 0, didscroll = false, clickblocklist = [], blockmousetriggers = false, blocktouchtriggers = false, eventcapturesupported = "addeventlistener" in document, $document = $( document ), nexttouchid = 1, lasttouchid = 0, threshold, i; $.vmouse = { movedistancethreshold: 10, clickdistancethreshold: 10, resettimerduration: 1500, maximumtimebetweentouches: 100 }; function getnativeevent( event ) { while ( event && typeof event.originalevent !== "undefined" ) { event = event.originalevent; } return event; } function createvirtualevent( event, eventtype ) { var t = event.type, oe, props, ne, prop, ct, touch, i, j, len; event = $.event( event ); event.type = eventtype; oe = event.originalevent; props = generalprops; // addresses separation of $.event.props in to $.event.mousehook.props and issue 3280 // if ( /^(mouse|click)/ ) > -1 ) { props = mouseeventprops; } // copy original event properties over to the new event // this would happen if we could call $.event.fix instead of $.event // but we don't have a way to force an event to be fixed multiple times if ( oe ) { for ( i = props.length; i; ) { prop = props[ --i ]; event[ prop ] = oe[ prop ]; } } // make sure that if the mouse and click virtual events are generated // without a .which one is defined if ( /mouse(down|up)|click/ ) > -1 && !event.which ) { event.which = 1; } if ( /^touch/ ) !== -1 ) { ne = getnativeevent( oe ); t = ne.touches; ct = ne.changedtouches; touch = ( t && t.length ) ? t[ 0 ] : ( ( ct && ct.length ) ? ct[ 0 ] : undefined ); if ( touch ) { for ( j = 0, len = toucheventprops.length; j < len; j++ ) { prop = toucheventprops[ j ]; event[ prop ] = touch[ prop ]; } } } return event; } function getvirtualbindingflags( element ) { var flags = {}, b, k; while ( element ) { b = $.data( element, datapropertyname ); for ( k in b ) { if ( b[ k ] ) { flags[ k ] = flags.hasvirtualbinding = true; } } element = element.parentnode; } return flags; } function getclosestelementwithvirtualbinding( element, eventtype ) { var b; while ( element ) { b = $.data( element, datapropertyname ); if ( b && ( !eventtype || b[ eventtype ] ) ) { return element; } element = element.parentnode; } return null; } function enabletouchbindings() { blocktouchtriggers = false; } function disabletouchbindings() { blocktouchtriggers = true; } function enablemousebindings() { lasttouchid = 0; clickblocklist.length = 0; blockmousetriggers = false; // when mouse bindings are enabled, our // touch bindings are disabled. disabletouchbindings(); } function disablemousebindings() { // when mouse bindings are disabled, our // touch bindings are enabled. enabletouchbindings(); } function clearresettimer() { if ( resettimerid ) { cleartimeout( resettimerid ); resettimerid = 0; } } function startresettimer() { clearresettimer(); resettimerid = settimeout( function() { resettimerid = 0; enablemousebindings(); }, $.vmouse.resettimerduration ); } function triggervirtualevent( eventtype, event, flags ) { var ve; if ( ( flags && flags[ eventtype ] ) || ( !flags && getclosestelementwithvirtualbinding(, eventtype ) ) ) { ve = createvirtualevent( event, eventtype ); $( ).trigger( ve ); } return ve; } function mouseeventcallback( event ) { var touchid = $.data(, touchtargetpropertyname ), ve; // it is unexpected if a click event is received before a touchend // or touchmove event, however this is a known behavior in mobile // safari when mobile voiceover (as of ios 8) is enabled and the user // double taps to activate a link element. in these cases if a touch // event is not received within the maximum time between touches, // re-enable mouse bindings and call the mouse event handler again. if ( event.type === "click" && $.data(, "lasttouchtype" ) === "touchstart" ) { settimeout( function() { if ( $.data(, "lasttouchtype" ) === "touchstart" ) { enablemousebindings(); delete $.data( ).lasttouchtype; mouseeventcallback( event ); } }, $.vmouse.maximumtimebetweentouches ); } if ( !blockmousetriggers && ( !lasttouchid || lasttouchid !== touchid ) ) { ve = triggervirtualevent( "v" + event.type, event ); if ( ve ) { if ( ve.isdefaultprevented() ) { event.preventdefault(); } if ( ve.ispropagationstopped() ) { event.stoppropagation(); } if ( ve.isimmediatepropagationstopped() ) { event.stopimmediatepropagation(); } } } } function handletouchstart( event ) { var touches = getnativeevent( event ).touches, target, flags, t; if ( touches && touches.length === 1 ) { target =; flags = getvirtualbindingflags( target ); $.data(, "lasttouchtype", event.type ); if ( flags.hasvirtualbinding ) { lasttouchid = nexttouchid++; $.data( target, touchtargetpropertyname, lasttouchid ); clearresettimer(); disablemousebindings(); didscroll = false; t = getnativeevent( event ).touches[ 0 ]; startx = t.pagex; starty = t.pagey; triggervirtualevent( "vmouseover", event, flags ); triggervirtualevent( "vmousedown", event, flags ); } } } function handlescroll( event ) { if ( blocktouchtriggers ) { return; } if ( !didscroll ) { triggervirtualevent( "vmousecancel", event, getvirtualbindingflags( ) ); } $.data(, "lasttouchtype", event.type ); didscroll = true; startresettimer(); } function handletouchmove( event ) { if ( blocktouchtriggers ) { return; } var t = getnativeevent( event ).touches[ 0 ], didcancel = didscroll, movethreshold = $.vmouse.movedistancethreshold, flags = getvirtualbindingflags( ); $.data(, "lasttouchtype", event.type ); didscroll = didscroll || ( math.abs( t.pagex - startx ) > movethreshold || math.abs( t.pagey - starty ) > movethreshold ); if ( didscroll && !didcancel ) { triggervirtualevent( "vmousecancel", event, flags ); } triggervirtualevent( "vmousemove", event, flags ); startresettimer(); } function handletouchend( event ) { if ( blocktouchtriggers || $.data(, "lasttouchtype" ) === undefined ) { return; } disabletouchbindings(); delete $.data( ).lasttouchtype; var flags = getvirtualbindingflags( ), ve, t; triggervirtualevent( "vmouseup", event, flags ); if ( !didscroll ) { ve = triggervirtualevent( "vclick", event, flags ); if ( ve && ve.isdefaultprevented() ) { // the target of the mouse events that follow the touchend // event don't necessarily match the target used during the // touch. this means we need to rely on coordinates for blocking // any click that is generated. t = getnativeevent( event ).changedtouches[ 0 ]; clickblocklist.push( { touchid: lasttouchid, x: t.clientx, y: t.clienty } ); // prevent any mouse events that follow from triggering // virtual event notifications. blockmousetriggers = true; } } triggervirtualevent( "vmouseout", event, flags ); didscroll = false; startresettimer(); } function hasvirtualbindings( ele ) { var bindings = $.data( ele, datapropertyname ), k; if ( bindings ) { for ( k in bindings ) { if ( bindings[ k ] ) { return true; } } } return false; } function dummymousehandler() { } function getspecialeventobject( eventtype ) { var realtype = eventtype.substr( 1 ); return { setup: function( /* data, namespace */ ) { // if this is the first virtual mouse binding for this element, // add a bindings object to its data. if ( !hasvirtualbindings( this ) ) { $.data( this, datapropertyname, {} ); } // if setup is called, we know it is the first binding for this // eventtype, so initialize the count for the eventtype to zero. var bindings = $.data( this, datapropertyname ); bindings[ eventtype ] = true; // if this is the first virtual mouse event for this type, // register a global handler on the document. activedochandlers[ eventtype ] = ( activedochandlers[ eventtype ] || 0 ) + 1; if ( activedochandlers[ eventtype ] === 1 ) { $document.bind( realtype, mouseeventcallback ); } // some browsers, like opera mini, won't dispatch mouse/click events // for elements unless they actually have handlers registered on them. // to get around this, we register dummy handlers on the elements. $( this ).bind( realtype, dummymousehandler ); // for now, if event capture is not supported, we rely on mouse handlers. if ( eventcapturesupported ) { // if this is the first virtual mouse binding for the document, // register our touchstart handler on the document. activedochandlers[ "touchstart" ] = ( activedochandlers[ "touchstart" ] || 0 ) + 1; if ( activedochandlers[ "touchstart" ] === 1 ) { $document.bind( "touchstart", handletouchstart ) .bind( "touchend", handletouchend ) // on touch platforms, touching the screen and then dragging your finger // causes the window content to scroll after some distance threshold is // exceeded. on these platforms, a scroll prevents a click event from being // dispatched, and on some platforms, even the touchend is suppressed. to // mimic the suppression of the click event, we need to watch for a scroll // event. unfortunately, some platforms like ios don't dispatch scroll // events until *after* the user lifts their finger (touchend). this means // we need to watch both scroll and touchmove events to figure out whether // or not a scroll happenens before the touchend event is fired. .bind( "touchmove", handletouchmove ) .bind( "scroll", handlescroll ); } } }, teardown: function( /* data, namespace */ ) { // if this is the last virtual binding for this eventtype, // remove its global handler from the document. --activedochandlers[eventtype]; if ( !activedochandlers[ eventtype ] ) { $document.unbind( realtype, mouseeventcallback ); } if ( eventcapturesupported ) { // if this is the last virtual mouse binding in existence, // remove our document touchstart listener. --activedochandlers["touchstart"]; if ( !activedochandlers[ "touchstart" ] ) { $document.unbind( "touchstart", handletouchstart ) .unbind( "touchmove", handletouchmove ) .unbind( "touchend", handletouchend ) .unbind( "scroll", handlescroll ); } } var $this = $( this ), bindings = $.data( this, datapropertyname ); // teardown may be called when an element was // removed from the dom. if this is the case, // jquery core may have already stripped the element // of any data bindings so we need to check it before // using it. if ( bindings ) { bindings[ eventtype ] = false; } // unregister the dummy event handler. $this.unbind( realtype, dummymousehandler ); // if this is the last virtual mouse binding on the // element, remove the binding data from the element. if ( !hasvirtualbindings( this ) ) { $this.removedata( datapropertyname ); } } }; } // expose our custom events to the jquery bind/unbind mechanism. for ( i = 0; i < virtualeventnames.length; i++ ) { $.event.special[ virtualeventnames[ i ] ] = getspecialeventobject( virtualeventnames[ i ] ); } // add a capture click handler to block clicks. // note that we require event capture support for this so if the device // doesn't support it, we punt for now and rely solely on mouse events. if ( eventcapturesupported ) { document.addeventlistener( "click", function( e ) { var cnt = clickblocklist.length, target =, x, y, ele, i, o, touchid; if ( cnt ) { x = e.clientx; y = e.clienty; threshold = $.vmouse.clickdistancethreshold; // the idea here is to run through the clickblocklist to see if // the current click event is in the proximity of one of our // vclick events that had preventdefault() called on it. if we find // one, then we block the click. // // why do we have to rely on proximity? // // because the target of the touch event that triggered the vclick // can be different from the target of the click event synthesized // by the browser. the target of a mouse/click event that is synthesized // from a touch event seems to be implementation specific. for example, // some browsers will fire mouse/click events for a link that is near // a touch event, even though the target of the touchstart/touchend event // says the user touched outside the link. also, it seems that with most // browsers, the target of the mouse/click event is not calculated until the // time it is dispatched, so if you replace an element that you touched // with another element, the target of the mouse/click will be the new // element underneath that point. // // aside from proximity, we also check to see if the target and any // of its ancestors were the ones that blocked a click. this is necessary // because of the strange mouse/click target calculation done in the // android 2.1 browser, where if you click on an element, and there is a // mouse/click handler on one of its ancestors, the target will be the // innermost child of the touched element, even if that child is no where // near the point of touch. ele = target; while ( ele ) { for ( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { o = clickblocklist[ i ]; touchid = 0; if ( ( ele === target && math.abs( o.x - x ) < threshold && math.abs( o.y - y ) < threshold ) || $.data( ele, touchtargetpropertyname ) === o.touchid ) { // xxx: we may want to consider removing matches from the block list // instead of waiting for the reset timer to fire. e.preventdefault(); e.stoppropagation(); return; } } ele = ele.parentnode; } } }, true ); } } ); define('photo',[ 'require', '' ], function (require, mobile) { 'use strict'; var chinapeople = chinapeople || {}; $(function ($) { if ($(window).width() > 768) return; if (!/msie [6-8]/i.test(navigator.useragent)) { jquery.loadcss(""); $.loadjs('').then(function () { chinapeople.image_pinchzoom(); }); } }); chinapeople.image_pinchzoom = function () { if ($(window).width() > 768) return; var closeable = true; var close_timer = null; var oldtime = 0; // $.fancybox = undefined; // $.fn.fancybox = undefined; $.loadjs('').then(function(d){ d && (hammer=d); 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// listen to events... mc.on('tap', function (ev) { // console.log(ev); $('.fancybox-button--close').trigger('click'); } ); return; }); }; return chinapeople; }); define("global/window", [], function () { return window; }); define("global/document", [], function () { return document; }); define('videobox',[], function () { 'use strict'; var video_def= $.deferred(); // 视频播放器组件 var videojs_promise = function () { var videojs_ie8 = $.when(); if (/msie 8/i.test(navigator.useragent)) videojs_ie8 = $.loadjs(''); return videojs_ie8 .then(function () { if (typeof window.videojs != "undefined") return $.when(); return $.loadjs(''); }) .then(function (videojs) { (typeof videojs == "function") && (window.videojs = videojs); $(document).trigger("videojs-loaded"); // window.videojs.options.flash.swf = ""; if(window.videojs.videojsresolutionswitcher) return $.when(); return $.loadjs(''); }) .then(function (d) { $(document).trigger("videojs-resolution-switcher-loaded"); video_def.resolve(videojs); }); }; $(document).on("videojs-loaded", function (e) { $.loadjs('').then(function (d) { $(document).trigger("videojs-ga-loaded"); $(document).on("videojs-setup", function(e, players){ $.each(players, function (i, player) { var gaoption = { eventlabel: player.currentsrc().split('/').slice(-1)[0] + '|' + document.url };; }); }); }) .then(function(){ $(document).trigger("videojs-setup", videojs.getplayers()); }); }); // 视频默认分辨率 $(document).on("resolutionswitcher", function (e, players) { players = players || {}; var winw = $(window).width(); $.each(players, function (i, o) { if ( !$.grep(o.controlbar.children(), function (element, index) { return element.name_ == 'button'; }).length ) { var player = o; try { var mybutton = player.controlbar.addchild("button"); var mybuttondom = mybutton.el(); mybuttondom.innerhtml = ''; } catch (error) {} } // var $rs_btn = $(o.controlbar.resolutionswitcher); if (!$rs_btn.length) { var vrs = { 'default': 360, dynamiclabel: true }; if (winw > 991) vrs['default'] = 720; o.videojsresolutionswitcher(vrs); } if ($rs_btn.length && $rs_btn.find('.vjs-menu-content .vjs-menu-item').length <= 1) { $rs_btn.addclass('hidden'); } }); }); $(document).on("videojs-resolution-switcher-loaded", function(e){ if (typeof videojs != "undefined") settimeout(function () { $(document).trigger("resolutionswitcher", videojs.getplayers()); }, 1000); }); if ($("video, .btn-play, .js-play-btn, .js_video_player").length) videojs_promise(); $(document) .on("click", ".btn-close, .js-play-btn", function(e){ $("body").removeclass("video-popup"); }) .on("click", ".btn-play, .js-close-btn", function(e){ $("body").addclass("video-popup"); }); function videobox(dom, id) { this.dom = dom; if(this.dom[0].inited) return; this.dom[0].inited= true; this.defaultsrc = dom.attr('default-src'); this.src = dom.attr('video-src'); this.poster = dom.attr('poster'); = id; this.popup = dom.attr('data-popup') || 1; var self= this; video_def.then(function(d){ self.init(); }); // this.init(); } videobox.prototype = { init: function () { var self = this; var div = document.createelement('div'); div.setattribute('class', 'video-box'); var vwidth = 960, vheight = 540; if (window.innerwidth < 990) { vwidth = window.innerwidth; vheight = vwidth / (16 / 9); } $(div).html( '
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